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Look at that belly! |
I've been eating a bit earlier and trying to give my food some time to settle before I go to bed, which also seems to be helping. I don't find myself lying there needing to burp so much. On the other hand, I've been having lots of vomit burps lately, which is really not pleasant. This poor stomach of mine is getting seriously squished!
I know I've said before I don't really 'feel' the baby move from the inside, but I still have a pretty good idea of how it's moving. I find sitting with my arms crossed pushes me back and sits me up straighter, which in turn helps with my sore back, neck, shoulders, everything. Crossed arms feel a lot of baby movements. Including hiccups. Either that or the baby is practicing from a career as a drummer, but I'm pretty sure it's hiccups. It's a bit of a strange feeling. Me drinking water doesn't seem to help getting rid of them either!
We had another appointment with Dr D last week. We didn't really talk about the birth plan stuff as much as I'd expected. We are now on 2 weekly appointments, so our next appointment will be next week. She did suggest we look at inducing at 39 weeks, so we will be looking at that next visit.
I'd got another blood test done to look at my iron levels. They are still the same, so my iron levels are good, but my haemoglobin levels are quite low still. There isn't much to do about it, other than keep a close eye on how much blood I lose during the birth and potentially give me a blood transfusion if I lose too much.
Each OB visit they measure your blood pressure (a little higher than usual but still lower than most people), baby's heartbeat (good) and the size of your belly. Basically, your belly should be about the same in cm as you are weeks in pregnancy. I think they measure from your pelvis to the top of your uterus. At 35 weeks my belly was measuring 38cm. So I probably am actually gestating a dragon. This is making an induction at 39 weeks look all the more appealing.
On the one hand, I'd rather not have the intervention, as it doesn't allow your body to go through the motion and warm up in the same way as you would naturally. On the other hand, first babies are often late, so if I wait, I'd potentially have an extra week or two worth of baby growth to push out... To be honest, I probably have enough... challenges to deal with already, I don't need extra complications.
We also spoke a bit about using a bosu ball. She is happy enough for me to use one if I want to, but also said a lot of women use movement as a pain management tool as much as anything, so I might not find it particularly useful. She also mentioned that pain relief isn't the only reason an epidural could be helpful to me. I can't remember what the other uses were she mentioned. Something about increased circulation maybe?
I'm down to my last week of clexaine injections now, then onto aspirin instead, in case baby comes earlier than they have anticipated. I'm officially full term next week. Anytime Thursday onwards, since we are going out to dinner and the theatre (ok, the uni review) next Wednesday and I'll be very disappointed if I miss that! I also get to do a vaginal swab this week (oh goodie) to test for Strepp B. They test everyone for this and if you're positive, they give you antibiotics during labour to protect bub.
I have been told on occasion that I am 'cheeky' or a 'smart arse' and sometimes I do speak before I think. Like when Dr D asked me if I'd had any 'vaginal loss' and I told her 'so far I know it's still there'!! Poor Tim was trying to hold it together. It turned out what she mean was had I had any bleeding or mucus secretions. Oh, nope, nothing to report there! Both are signs of potential impending labour, as is the baby 'dropping' into the pelvis, so the head is getting into position, ready to engage in the pelvis for birth. We do have the head drop, so baby is basically in position, ready to on your marks, get set, go.
My pressure sore on my butt is improving, though I'm not holding out much hope that it will be healed before baby arrives. I ended up needing a second round of antibiotics which I've now finished. Because it's in such an awkward place and I can't see it, I'm still getting it dressed twice a week by the nurses, instead of doing it once a week myself. Fingers crossed the good progress continues!
I have discovered I do have some stretch marks, just tiny purple lines on my boobs. Hardly surprising, they are huge! I had to send a couple of the new bras I ordered online back since they were too small. One fits me now, the other I think will be good once my milk comes in, but I'm going to wait and see.
I'm really looking forward to the bit where all my fluid retention disappears. My poor hands are so sore of a morning, since all the fluid from my feet seems to pool in them overnight. I wake up with these painful hands that I can't even close and my knuckles all hurt.
So we are basically down to 3-4 weeks now! I’d been thinking I had 5 weeks left, then it suddenly hit me that no, if I decide to go at 39 weeks, it's actually only just over 3. That was a bit of an 'oh shit' moment!
I had one of my new-mum friends come to visit this week. I'm now so short of lap space that when I was holding her baby, she was sitting up on my belly! She's also been my go-to-girl on packing my bag. Just how many nursing pads does one need to pack? What about maternity pads? Nappies? She's a wealth of knowledge! I hopefully now have appropriate amounts of these items in my bag!
We recently had a family function over the weekend and several aunties and I were discussing all things baby/childbirth. One of my aunties asked how I can out, as in what position. While I was there, I really don't remember much of the grand event. Dad told us I came out head first with my feet under my chin. We all looked at him funny trying to picture how that would work, until he started giggling away and said something about the sheep lambing and he must have got confused! Dad's think they are so funny!
I have also picked up the final twovital baby products- the pram and capsule! So my car is now fitted out, ready for baby's arrival. I think that is probably about it for now. Until next time!
Great to hear and see you looking forward to the big day so much!! All the best for it. I'm going to give you my piece of unwanted advice which I found I got from all directions. This is the only thing I tell people, though, because it's a good one. Get a tube of Lansinoh from the chemist. It's super-refined 100% pure lanolin for keeping your nipples in good shape when breast feeding. You only need the slightest crack or graze and it's agony and can make life misery. This stuff is completely natural and safe for you and baby, you put a little dab on after a feed, and it's absorbed before the next one, and keeps everything healthy and healed. All the very best Katherine and will look forward to hearing how it's gone!! Fiona