I've put out some feelers, trying to find an obstetrician in
Melbourne with SCI experience. I've been put onto the Dr at the Austin
Hospital, where I was taken when I had my accident, who coordinates the medical
teams of paraplegics wanting to have children in Victoria. So hopefully, he
will be able to help me out! I've also been put in touch with a couple of ladies in
Victoria who have recently had children.
I will no doubt be putting together some kind of summary/FAQ page after
all this. I already know that 'Find on obstertrician with SCI experience ASAP' will
be on it!
I finally got in to see the dietician recommended by my specialist last weekend. I have been having trouble with my blood pressure dropping after I eat (post prandial hypotension) the last few months, so I wanted to try and see if I could narrow down a particular food group that was causing it. She has recommended I try cutting right back on my sugars for a few weeks to see how it effects me. So far I've been going ok at avoiding them and I haven't had any major episodes yet. I've also been back eating eggs which I thought were making me crash, but if I was drinking orange juice or milo with it, I might have been blaming the eggs for the sugar problem. We will see!
I am no longer on my birth control tablets, so I guess that makes us officially 'trying' for a baby. It will be interesting to see how long this takes. I know for a woman my age, the average is around six months, but my mother never had any trouble getting pregnant with her four kids and her mother spent NINE YEARS pregnant with her 12 kids! So I've apparently got good genes for this.
I'm not a huge drinker, so I'm not having any trouble with avoiding alcohol. I can't stand coffee, so no problem there. The cheese though... I am such a huge fan of soft cheese! I know I probably shouldn't be eating it when there's a chance I'm pregnant, but at the same time, it's entirely possible I'm not! Ah the temptation! At least one of my other very good and cheese addict friends is also having to avoid it at the moment, so we can share each other’s pain!